
Flex 3 [平裝]

  • 作者:Michele E. Davis,Jon A. Phillips 著
  • 出版社: McGraw-Hill
  • 出版時間:2008-03-21
  • 版次:1
  • 商品編號: 19161763


HK$414.30 (速遞費用須知)



Essential Skills—Made Easy!
Learn to program with Flex 3, the powerful tool for building multimedia-rich, interactive Flash applications for the Web. Flex 3: A Beginner's Guide is an easy-to-follow, fast-paced tutorial that allows you to fully grasp the fundamentals, including MXML, ActionScript, Flex Builder, states, transitions, and behaviors. You'll learn how to customize your applications with styles, skins, and themes; access remote data using the XML HTTP Service Request; profile and debug your applications; and manage media assets.
Designed for...


目錄 Table of Contents
Acknowledgments xi
Introduction xiii
Flex Fundamentals 1
The Origins of Flex 3
ActionScript 4
Understanding Flex 5
LiveCycle Data Services 5
Using LiveCycle Data Services with the Flex Builder 8
Flex's Forte 10
Audio 10
Video 11
Object Manipulation 11
Consistent API 11
Open Source 11
Flex Limitations 12
Flex vs. HTML/Ajax 13
Dynamic HTML 13
DOMs 13
Ajax 13
Cross-Platform Support with Single Binary 14
Flex Versions 14
Initial Releases 15
Adobe Flex 2.01 15
Adobe Flex 3 16
How Flex Works 16
Design and Configure 17
Build 17
Deploy 18
Securing Your Application 19
Installation and Modules 21
Installing Flex 22
Flex Distributions 22
Flex BuilderDistribution 23
Flex SDK 23
Apache/IIS Runtime Module 24
Installing Flex Builder 25
Macintosh OS X 28
Flex Builder Projects 30
Workspaces 30
Managing Projects in a Workspace 30
Creating a Test Project 31
General Requirements for the SDK 37
Downloading the SDK Installation 38
Removing the Flash Plug-in 38
Installing the Flex SDK 39
Running Samples 41
Apache/IIS Flex Module 42
Requirements 43
Installer Download 43
Testing the Compiler Module 46
Getting Started 47
Principles of MXML 49
XML 50
Principles of ActionScript 50
ActionScript Timeline 51
Proper Syntax 52
Variables 54
Declaring 54
Naming 54
Types 55
Modifying Variable Types 56
Expressions 57
Functions and Methods 57
Defining 58
Testing Output 58
Named Functions 59
Flow Control and Looping 61
If Statement 61
Switch Statement 62
Looping 63
Event Handlers 65
Create an Event Handler That Displays an Alert 65
MXML Conversion 67
OOP 67
Encapsulation 67
Classes 67
Methods 70
Defining 70
Instantiation 72
Static Methods 74
Inheritance 75
Class Specifications 75
Understanding MXML Namespaces 76
The Flex Config File 76
The Manifest File 76
Referencing Namespaces in Your Code 77
Working with Flex Builder 79
Flex Builder Modes 81
Development 82
Debugging 84
Building a User Interface 86
Containers 86
The Application Container 87
Constraint-Based Layout 87
Controls 90
Arrays 92
Text-Based Controls 93
Data Provider Controls 94
Menu Controls 94
Modifying Controls 96
Class Hierarchy of Controls 97
Sizing Controls 97
Positioning Controls 99
Changing the Appearance of Controls 99
Text Controls 100
Text Property 100
The htmlText Property 101
Select and Modify Text 101
TextArea 102
TextInput 102
RichTextEditor 104
Label Control 104
Menu Control 105
Menu Attributes 106
Data Provider Types 106
Menu Control Creation 107
MenuBar Control 109
Create a MenuBar Control 109
Running Your Applications 112
States, Transitions, and Behaviors 115
States and Transitions 117
Creating States 118
Apply States 118
Properties 123
Styles 123
Event Handlers 123
Effects and Transitions 124
Creating a Transition 125
Triggers 128
Creating Behaviors 129
Invoke Using Flex Events 131
Fading in a RichTextEditor with a Button Click 131
Composite Effects 133
Binding Variables 134
Declaring 134
Referencing 135
Modifying Your Application's Appearance 139
Categories of Customization 141
Styles and Skins 141
Enhanced Constraints 142
CSS Property Inspector 144
Themes 145
Setting Styles 149
Skins 154
Graphical Skinning 154
Data Access 159
Local Versus Remote Data 161
Security Implications 161
Cross-Domain File 162
XML HTTP Service Requests 164
Creating an Application to Display Amazon Vampire Books 166
Proxy 166
Getting the Data 170
Debugging and Profiling 179
Profiling 181
Saving and Loading Profiling Data 187
Live Objects Panel 188
Memory Snapshot Panel 190
Loitering Objects Panel 191
Object References Panel 193
Allocation Trace Panel 194
Performance Snapshot Panel 196
Launch Dialog 198
Debugging with fdb 200
Launching 201
Commands 203
Debugging with Trace 206
Working with Media Assets/Deploying 209
Managing Media Assets 211
Embedding vs. Runtime Referencing 211
Supported Media Types 212
Sound 213
Playing Embedded Sounds 213
Playing Referenced Sounds 216
Including a Referenced Image 217
Including an Embedded Image 218
Embedding Movies 219
Deploying 220
Wrappers 220
Publishing Your Application 223
ActionScript and MXML Reference 229
ActionScript 3.0 230
Global Functions 230
Global Constants 232
Global ActionScript Classes 232
Language Reference 234
MXML-Only Components 243
Keyboard Shortcuts in Flex Builder 244
Online Resources 246
Online Communities 246
Documentation 247
Tools 248
Quick Reference Sheets 249
Interesting Flex-Based Sites 249
Glossary 253
Index 269




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