
上海世圖‧名著典藏:資本論 (英文全本德國馬克思主義政治經濟學)

  • 作者:(德) 馬克思 著 (英) 薩繆爾‧穆爾 (英) 愛德華‧艾威林 譯
  • 出版社: 世界圖書出版公司
  • 出版時間:2010-05-01
  • 版次:1
  • 商品編號: 10184741





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  1938年我國第一部中文全譯本重新再版,馬克思著作權威翻譯家郭大力、王亞南翻譯。在世界經濟危機的嚴峻形勢下,讀《資本論》是一種時尚。 眾所周知,《資本論》是馬克思傾其畢生心血寫成的一部科學著作。它被奉為工人階級革命的「聖經」,是一部融哲學、政治經濟學、科學社會主義為一體,博大精深的馬克思主義百科全書,是人類思想史上不朽的理論豐碑。它揭示了現代社會的經濟運動規律,對於我們認識資本主義經濟和研究社會主義經濟提供了基本原理。


PART 1 Commodities and Money
CHAPTER 1 Commodities
SECTION 1 The Two Factors of A Commodity: Use-Value And Value (The Substance of Value and The Magnitude of Value)
SECTION 2 The Twofold Character of the Labour Embodied in Commodities
SECTION 3 The Form of Value or Exchange Value
SECTION 4 The Fetishism of Commodities and the Secret Thereof
CHAPTER 2 Exchange
CHAPTER 3 Money, or the Circulation of Commodities
SECTION 1 The Measure Of Values
SECTION 2 The Medium Of Circulation

PART 2 The Transformation of Money into Capital
CHAPTER 4 The General Formula for Capital
CHAPTER 5 Contradictions in the General Formula of Capital
CHAPTER 6 The Buying and Selling of Labour-Power

PART 3 The Production of Absolute Surplus-Value
CHAPTER 7 The Labour-Process and the Process of Producing Surplus-Value
SECTION 1 The Labour-Process or the Production of Use-Values
SECTION 2 The Production of Surplus-Value
CHAPTER 8 Constant Capital and Variable Capital
CHAPTER 9 The Rate of Surplus-Value
SECTION 1 The Degree of Exploitation of Labour-Power
SECTION 2 The Representation of The Components of the Value of the Product by Corresponding Proportional Parts of the Product Itself
SECTION 3 Seniors "Last Hour"
SECTION 4 Surplus-Produce
CHAPTER 10 The Working-Day
SECTION 1 The Limits of the Working-Day
SECTION 2 The Greed for Surplus-Labour. Manufacturer and Boyard
SECTION 3 Branches of English Industry Without Legal Limits to Exploitation :
SECTION 4 Day and Night Work. The Relay System
SECTION 5 The Struggle for A Normal Working-Day. Compulsory Laws for the Extension of the Working-Day from the Middle of the 14th to the End of the 17th Century
SECTION 6 The Stru~ele for the Normal Working-Day. Comoulsorv
Limitation by Law of the Working-Time. The English Factory Acts, 1833 to 1864..
SECTION 7 The Struggle for the Normal Working-Day. Re-Action of the English Factory Acts on Other Countries
CHAPTER 11 Rate and Mass of Surplus Value

PART 4 Production of Relative Surplus Value
CHAPTER 12 The Concept of Relative Surplus Value
CHAPTER 13 Co-operation
CHAPTER 14 Division of Labour and Manufacture
SECTION 1 Two-Fold Origin of Manufacture
SECTION 2 The Detail Labourer and His Implements
SECTION 3 The Two Fundamental Forms of Manufacture: Heterogeneous Manufacture, Serial Manufacture
SECTION 4 Division of Labour in Manufacture, and Division of Labour in Society
SECTION 5 The Capitalistic Character of Manufacture..
CHAPTER 15 Machinery and Modem Industry
SECTION 1 The Development of Machinery
SECTION 2 The Value Transferred by Machinery to the Prodsuct
SECTION 3 The Proximate Effects of Machinery on the Workman
SECTION 4 The Factory
SECTION 5 The Strife Between Workman and Machine
SECTION 6 The Theory of Compensation as Regards the Workpeople Displaced by Machinery
SECTION 7 Repulsion and Attraction of Workpeople by the Factory System Crises in the Cotton Trade
SECTION 8 Revolution Effected in Manufacture, Handicrafts, and Domestic industry by Modem Industry
SECTION 9 The Factory Acts. Sanitary and Educational Clauses of the Same Their General Extension in England
SECTION 10 Modem Industry and Agriculture

PART 5 The Production of Absolute and of Relative Surplus-Value
CHAPTER 16 Absolute and Relative Surplus-Value
CHAPTER 17 Changes of Magnitude in the Price of Labour-Power and in Surplus Value
SECTION 1 Length of the Working-Day and Intensity of Labour Constant Productiveness of Labour Variable
SECTION 2 Working-Day Constant. Productiveness of Labour Constant Intensity of Labour Variable
SECTION 3 Productiveness and Intensity of Labour Constant. Length of the Working-Day Variable
SECTION 4 Simultaneous Variations in the Duration, Productiveness, and Intensity of Labour
CHAPTER 18 Various Formula for the Rate of Surplus-Value..

PART 6 Wages
CHAPTER 19 The Transformation of the Value (and Respective Price) of Labour-Power into Wages
CHAPTER 20 Time-Wages
CHAPTER 21 Piece-Wages
CHAPTER 22 National Differences of Wages

PART 7 The Accumulation of Capital
CHAPTER 23 Simple Reproduction
CHAPTER 24 Conversion of Surplus-Value into Capital
SECTION 1 Capitalist Production on A Progressively Increasing Scale Transition of the Laws of Property that Characterise Production of Commodities into Laws of Capitalist Appropriation
SECTION 2 Erroneous Conception, by Political Economy, of Reproduction on A Progressively Increasing Scale
SECTION 3 Separation of Surplus-Value into Capital and Revenue. The Abstinence Theory
SECTION 4 Circumstances that, Independently of the Proportional Division of Surplus-Value into Capital and Revenue, Determine the Amount of Accumulation. Degree of Exploitation of Labour-Power. Productivity of Labour. Growing Difference in Amount Between Capital Employed and Capital Consumed. Magnitude of Capital Advanced SECTION 5 The So-called Labour-Fund
CHAPTER 25 The General Law of Capitalist Accumulation
SECTION 1 The Increased Demand for Labour-Power that Accompanies Accumulation, the Composition of Capital Remainnng the Same
SECTION 2 Relative Diminution of the Variable Part of Capital Simultaneously with the Progress of Accumulation and of the Concentration that Accompanies it
SECTION 3 Progressive Production of a Relative Surplus-Population or Industrial Reserve Army
SECTION 4 Different Forms of the Relative Surplus-Population. The General Law of Capitalistic Accumulation
SECTION 5 Illustrations of the General Law of Capitalist Accumulation

PART 8 Primitive Accumulation
CHAPTER 26 The Secret of Primitive Accumulation
CHAPTER 27 Expropriation of the Agricultural Population from the Land.
CHAPTER 28 Bloody Legislation Against the Expropriated, from the End of the 15th Century. Forcing Down of Wages by Acts of Parliament
CHAPTER 29 Genesis of the Capitalist Farmer
CHAPTER 30 Reaction of the Agricultural Revolution on Industry. Creation of the Home-Market for Industrial Capital..
CHAPTER 31 Genesis of the Industrial Capitalist
CHAPTER 32 Historical Tendency of Capitalist Accumulation
CHAPTER 33 The Modem Theory of Colonisation

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