
Digital Video For Dummies, 4th Edition [平裝]

  • 作者:Keith Underdahl 著
  • 出版社: John Wiley
  • 出版時間:2006-01-20
  • 版次:4
  • 商品編號: 19190848


HK$269.30 (速遞費用須知)




So you have a camcorder and visions of being the next Spielberg. But how do you progress from shooting so-so footage to showing your own finished movie? Digital Video For Dummies, 4th Edition gives you the know-how and the show-how! Find out how to shoot and edit great movies, using iMovie, Windows Movie Maker, or Adobe Premiere Elements to add the finishing touches like special effects and your own soundtrack. With the latest information and lots of illustrations and screen shots, this friendly guide walks you through: Getting your computer ready to work with digital video (complete with information about FireWire) Choosing a camcorder, including features to look for and features that are useless Digitizing old VHS videotapes to preserve memories Purchasing other movie making gear, including audio and lighting equipment Shooting better video, with tips on lighting, panning, using the zoom, and recording better audio Creating your own sound effects such as footsteps, bones breaking, fire, thunder, insects buzzing, and more Capturing digital video using iMovie, Windows Movie Marker, or Premiere Elements Editing, including understanding timecode, organizing and previewing clips, and assembling clips in Storyboard and Timeline Adding transitions, titles, and special effects Importing and integrating video from phones and digital cameras Using audio rubberbands in iMovie, Premiere Elements, and other editing programs Adding narration, importing and working with CD audio, and adding a music soundtrack Keith Underdahl has extensive professional video production experience developing kiosk and marketing videos for Ages Software. Realizing that you'll want to polish and premiere your movie, he includes information on: More advanced video editing, including animating video clips, improving light and color, compositing video (bluescreen or greenscreen), and more 13 categories of video effects, ranging from blur and sharpen to transform Working with still photos and graphics Sharing your video online using QuickTime (/QT), RealMedia (.RM), or Windows Media Video (.WMV) Making tapes or burning DVDs in 9 steps With a handy cheat sheet of keyboard shortcuts, a chart comparing 10 video editing programs, a glossary, and more, with this guide you'll soon be saying 「Lights, camera, action」 and producing your own movie attraction.

目錄 Table of Contents
Introduction.  Part I: Getting Ready for Digital Video.  Chapter 1: Introducing Digital Video.  Chapter 2: Getting Your Computer Ready for Digital Video.  Chapter 3: Gearing Up for Digital Video.  Part II: Gathering Footage.  Chapter 4: Shooting Better Video.  Chapter 5: Capturing Digital Video.  Chapter 6: Capturing Analog Video.  Chapter 7: Importing Audio.  Part III: Editing Your Movie.  Chapter 8: Bringing Hollywood Home with Basic Editing.  Chapter 9: Using Transitions and Titles.  Chapter 10: Working with Audio.  Chapter 11: Advanced Video Editing.  Chapter 12: Working with Still Photos and Graphics.  Chapter 13: Wrapping Up Your Movie.  Part IV: Sharing Your Video.  Chapter 14: Putting Your Movies on the Internet.  Chapter 15: Exporting Movies to Tape.  Chapter 16: Making DVDs.  Part V: The Part of Tens.  Chapter 17: Ten Advanced Video Techniques.  Chapter 18: Ten Tools for Digital Video.  Chapter 19: Comparing Ten Video-Editing Programs.  Part VI: Appendixes.  Appendix A: Glossary.  Appendix B: Using Apple iMovie.  Appendix C: Using Windows Movie Maker.  Appendix D: Installing and Configuring Adobe Premiere Elements.  Index.

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