
101 Quick and Easy Secrets to Create Winning Photographs [平裝]

  • 作者:Matthew Bamberg 著
  • 出版社: Cengage Learning
  • 出版時間:2009-04-09
  • 版次:1
  • 商品編號: 19173363


HK$320.40 (速遞費用須知)




Discover how to take compelling photographs utilizing all the
awesome features of your digital camera. 101 Quick and Easy
Secrets to Create Winning Photographs shows you how to use
composition and technical methods and creative and artistic
applications to achieve amazing images, using both in-camera
and post-processing techniques. Every chapter covers a different
overall theme, with each technique laid out in a two-page spread
that features easy-to-follow instructions to achieve the shot and
stunning, full-color photographs showing the results. You'll learn
how to manipulate images with light and shadow, make people
and animals look more lifelike, create a mood using the weather,
make colors pop, and even add unusual effects to your photographs.
Each image incorporates different photography skills or
specific camera features so you really discover how to get the most
out of your digital camera. One part photo essay collection and
one part how-to, 101 Quick and Easy Secrets to Create Winning
Photographs is perfect for new digital camera owners who are
eager to learn how to get amazing photographs.




目錄 Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Making Your Photographs Look 3-D;
Chapter 2: Painting with Light;
Chapter 3: Add Action to Your Frame;
Chapter 4: Adding or Subtracting with Shadows;
Chapter 5: Making Art from Architecture;
Chapter 6: Creating Mood Shots Using Weather;
Chapter 7: Beautifying with Color;
Chapter 8: Breathing Life into People;
Chapter 9: Making Animal Photos Sharp and Fun;
Chapter 10: Spicing Up Photos with Lens Flare, Noise, and Other Unusual Effects;
Chapter 11: Composing with Lanscapes;
Chapter 12: Shaping Up with Symmetry;
Chapter 13: Technical Tango;
Chapter 14: Daytime, Nighttime, Anytime;
Chapter 15: Back to the Future

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