
GMAT For Dummies, 5th Edition [平裝]

  • 作者:Scott Hatch 著
  • 出版社: John Wiley
  • 出版時間:2006-09-01
  • 版次:5
  • 商品編號: 19220268


HK$143.90 (速遞費用須知)




If you're planning to apply for an MBA program, you're required to take the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT). And you thought your days of sharpening number 2 pencils were over! How do you prepare for such a comprehensive test? Never fear. GMAT For Dummies, Fifth Edition, puts at your fingertips everything you need to know to conquer the GMAT. This highly readable, friendly guide makes the study process as painless as possible, providing you with complete math and grammar reviews and all the preparation you need to maximize your score and outsmart your competition. You'll discover how to: Understand the test's format Bring the right stuff Make educated guesses Avoid the exam's pitfalls Calm your nerves Save time and beat the clock This Fifth Edition is packed with plenty of updated practice questions so you can see just how the GMAT tests a particular concept. Our sample questions read just like the actual test questions, so you can get comfortable with the way the GMAT phrases questions and answer choices. You get plenty of tips on correctly answering the sentence correction, reading comprehension, and critical reading questions and tackling the analytical essays. There's also a comprehensive math review of everything from number types to standard deviation and expanded coverage of statistics and probability. Each section ends with a mini practice test to prepare you for the two full-length practice tests featured in this easy-to-digest guide. You'll see how to: Quickly eliminate incorrect answer choices Read passages quickly and effectively Break apart and analyze arguments Write a well-organized, compelling essay Tackle the data sufficiency math question type that only appears on the GMAT Use relaxation techniques if you start to panic during the test Complete with a scoring guide, explanatory answers, timesaving tips, math formulas you should memorize, and a list of writing errors to avoid, GMAT For Dummies is all you need to practice your skills, improve your score, and pass with flying colors.
目錄 Table of Contents
Introduction.  Part I: Putting the GMAT into Perspective.  Chapter 1: Getting the Lowdown on the GMAT.  Chapter 2: Maximizing Your Score on the GMAT.  Part II: Vanquishing the Verbal Section.  Chapter 3: Applying What You Learned (We Hope) in Grammar Class: Sentence Correction.  Chapter 4: Not as Enticing as a Bestseller: Reading Comprehension.  Chapter 5: Getting Logical: Critical Reasoning.  Chapter 6: Bringing It Together: A Practice Mini Verbal Section.  Part III: Acing the Analytical Writing Section.  Chapter 7: Analyze This: What to Expect from the Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA).  Chapter 8: Present Perfect Paragraphs: How to Write a GMAT Essay.  Chapter 9: Deconstructing Sample GMAT Essays.  Part IV: Conquering the Quantitative Section.  Chapter 10: Getting Back to Basics: Numbers and Operations.  Chapter 11: Considering All the Variables: Algebra.  Chapter 12: Getting the Angle on Geometry: Planes and Solids.  Chapter 13: Keeping in Step: Coordinate Geometry.  Chapter 14: Manipulating Numbers: Statistics and Sets.  Chapter 15: Its All in the Presentation: GMAT Quantitative Question Types.  Chapter 16: All Together Now: A Practice Mini Quantitative Section.  Part V: Practice Makes Perfect.  Chapter 17: Putting the GMAT into Practice: Test #1.  Chapter 18: Explaining the Answers to Practice Test #1.  Chapter 19: Putting the GMAT into Practice: Test #2.  Chapter 20: Explaining the Answers to Practice Test #2.  Part VI: The Part of Tens.  Chapter 21: Ten Questions Youve Got a Good Shot At.  Chapter 22: Ten Writing Errors to Avoid.  Chapter 23: Ten Formulas You Need to Know on Test Day.  Index.

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