
Thyroid For Dummies, 2nd Edition [平裝]

  • 作者:Alan L. Rubin MD 著
  • 出版社: John Wiley
  • 出版時間:2006-04-14
  • 版次:2
  • 商品編號: 19199806


HK$235.90 (速遞費用須知)



If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with a thyroid condition, you've probably found out at least a little about this mysterious gland—just enough to want to look for answers to the many questions that keep popping up in your mind. What causes this condition? How is it treated? What can you do to get healthy again?Thyroid for Dummies, 2nd Edition gives you the detailed information you′re looking for on new methods for detecting thyroid disease in both adults and children, alternative treatments, pros and cons of powerful new drugs now on the market, advice for managing the disease through changes in exercise and diet, and much? more. You′re discover:What the thyroid doesHow to identify a sick thyroid and recognize who′s at riskWays to find the right thyroid doctorHow to cope with hypothyroidism in childrenThe hereditary connection to thyroid diseaseHow thyroid disease affects the elderlyThe effects of hyperthyroidism during pregnancyHow to decide if surgery is necessaryTen myths about thyroid healthUpdated to address advances made since the first edition, including the latest thinking on understanding thyroid disease′s connection to depression and mania, Thyroid for Dummies, 2nd Edition will tell you everything you need to know about how the thyroid functions, what makes it malfunction, and what to do when a problem occurs.

Introduction. Part I: Examining the Thyroid. Chapter 1: The Big Role of a Little Gland. Chapter 2: How the Thyroid Works. Chapter 3: Finding a Thyroid Doctor. Chapter 4: Testing Your Thyroid. Part II: Diagnosing and Treating Thyroid Conditions. Chapter 5: Dealing with Decreased Thyroid Function. Chapter 6: Taming the Hyperactive Thyroid. Chapter 7: Thyroid Nodules. Chapter 8: Thyroid Cancer. Chapter 9: Multinodular Goiters: Thyroids with Many Nodules. Chapter 10: Drugs That Impact Your Thyroid. Chapter 11: Thyroid Infections and Inflammation. Chapter 12: Iodine Deficiency and Excess Disease. Chapter 13: Surgery of the Thyroid. Part III: Reviewing Special Considerations in Thyroid Health. Chapter 14: The Genetic Link to Thyroid Disease. Chapter 15: The Thyroid and Your Mental Health. Chapter 16: Whats New in Thyroid Treatment? Chapter 17: The Thyroid and Pregnancy. Chapter 18: Thyroid Conditions and Children. Chapter 19: Thyroid Disease and the Elderly. Chapter 20: Diet, Exercise, and Your Thyroid. Part IV: The Part of Tens. Chapter 21: Ten Myths about Thyroid Health. Chapter 22: Ten Ways to Maximize Thyroid Health. Chapter 23: Ten Questions Readers Have Posed. Part V: Appendixes. Appendix A: A Glossary of Key Terms. Appendix B: Sources of More Information. Index.

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