
The Medical Malpractice Survival Handbook [平裝] (醫療事故生存手冊)

  • 作者:ACLM 著
  • 出版社: Mosby
  • 出版時間:2007-03-15
  • 版次:1
  • 商品編號: 19248432


HK$866.90 (速遞費用須知)



Reduce your risk of costly litigation! Written in easy-to-understand language by a team of medical doctors who are also attorneys at law, this handbook addresses the issues surrounding the growing incidence of medical malpractice. It examines the scenarios that can result in a malpractice suit, the best actions to take during the course of litigation, and the most effective ways to minimize your legal liabilities.

SECTION ONE: PHYSICIANS AND MALPRACTICE Chapter 1: American Medical Malpractice Chapter 2: Medical Malpractice Stress Syndrome Chapter 3: Malpractice Prevention Chapter 4: Medical Brief (or Medical Memorandum) Chapter 5: Spoliation: Altered Medical Records Chapter 6: Medical Error Disclosure and Apology Chapter 7: Professional Liability Insurance Chapter 8: Defense Attorney Chapter 9: Liability in Clinic Trials Research Chapter 10: Criminalization of Malpractice SECTION 2: ETIOLOGY OF MALPRACTICE Chapter 11: Etiology of Malpractice Chapter 12: Breach of Physician-Patient Relationship Chapter 13: Improper Disclosure of Confidential Information Chapter 14: Lack of Informed Consent and Refusal Chapter 15: Negligence Chapter 16: Miscellaneous Torts Chapter 17: Liability for Acts of Other Providers Chapter 18: The Physician and the Nurse Chapter 19: Medical Product Liability SECTION 3: MALPRACTICE LAWSUIT RESOLUTION Chapter 20: The American Court System Chapter 21: Physician Conduct at Deposition and Trial Chapter 22: Alternative Dispute Resolution of Claims Chapter 23: Medical Expert Testimony Chapter 24: Medical Malpractice Defenses Chapter 25: Damages in Medical Malpractice Chapter 26: Countersuits by Physicians Chapter 27: Tort Reform System: Medical Negligence in New Zealand SECTION 4: LIABILITY OF SPECIALTIES Chapter 28: Family Practice and Internal Medicine Chapter 29: Clinical and Forensic Pathology Chapter 30: Genetics Chapter 31: Obstetrics and Gynecology Chapter 32: Neonatology & Pediatrics Chapter 33: Cardiology Chapter 34: Emergency Medicine Chapter 35: Anesthesiology Liability Chapter 36: Surgery Chapter 37: Urology Chapter 38: Neurology and Neurosurgery Chapter 39: Ophthalmology Chapter 40: Otorhinolaryngology Chapter 41: Psychiatric Malpractice Chapter 42: Radiology Chapter 43: Dentistry

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