
More Effective C#:改善C#程序的50個具體辦法(英文版)

  • 作者:(美) 瓦格納 著
  • 出版社: 人民郵電出版社
  • 出版時間:2009-11-01
  • 版次:1
  • 商品編號: 10063894




HK$83.20 (速遞費用須知)




《More Effective C#:改善C#程序的50個具體辦法(英文版)》針對C# 2.0和3.0中添加的新特性給出了改善C#代碼的50條實用建議,其中著重介紹了泛型技術,這是C# 2.0和3.0中眾多新特性的基石。《More Effective C#:改善C#程序的50個具體辦法(英文版)》按照建議的主題進行分類,其中每個建議針對某個特定問題進行展開,分析了問題的原因,給出解決的辦法。
  《More Effective C#:改善C#程序的50個具體辦法(英文版)》適合各層次.NET開發人員閱讀。


  Bill Wagner是世界知名的.NET專家,微軟CO領域的MVP,並榮獲微軟Regional Director稱號。他是著名軟件諮詢公司SRT Solutions的創始人,有20多年軟件開發經驗,曾經領導了眾多成功的Windows平台產品的開發。他是微軟開發社區的活躍人物,長期擔任MSDN Magazine、ASP.NET Pro、Visual Studio Magazine等技術雜誌的專欄作者。


  ——Mads Torgersen,微軟公司Visual C#項目經理
  「Bill Wagner為C#開發人員撰寫了一部精彩絕倫的圖書,其中介紹了大量C#最佳實踐。……若想成為C#開發的頂級高手,那麼沒有什麼資料比Bill Wagner的這本書更好了。Bill非常智慧、深刻,富有經驗和技巧。若能將這本書中給出的建議應用到你的代碼中,定會大大提高你的工作質量。」
  ——Charlie Calvert,微軟公司Visual C#社區項目經理


Chapter 1. Working with Generics 4
Item 1. Use Generic Replacements of 1.x Framework API Classes 4
Item 2. Define Constraints That Are Minimal and Sufficient 14
Item 3. Specialize Generic Algorithms Using Runtime Type Checking 19
Item 4. Use Generics to Force Compile-Time Type Inference 26
Item 5. Ensure That Your Generic Classes Support Disposable Type Parameters 32
Item 6. Use Delegates to Define Method Constraints on Type Parameters 36
Item 7. Do Not Create Generic Specialization on Base Classes or Interfaces 42
Item 8. Prefer Generic Methods Unless Type Parameters Are Instance Fields 46
Item 9. Prefer Generic Tuples to Output and Ref Parameters 50
Item 10. Implement Classic Interfaces in Addition to Generic Interfaces 56

Chapter 2. Multithreading in C# 63
Item 11. Use the Thread Pool Instead of Creating Threads 67
Item 12. Use BackgroundWorker for Cross-Thread Communication 74
Item 13. Use lock() as Your First Choice for Synchronization 78
Item 14. Use the Smallest Possible Scope for Lock Handles 86
Item 15. Avoid Calling Unknown Code in Locked Sections 90
Item 16. Understand Cross-Thread Calls in Windows Forms and WPF 93

Chapter 3. C# Design Practices 105
Item 17. Create Composable APIs for Sequences 105
Item 18. Decouple Iterations from Actions, Predicates, and Functions 112
Item 19. Generate Sequence Items as Requested 117
Item 20. Loosen Coupling by Using Function Parameters 120
Item 21. Create Method Groups That Are Clear, Minimal, and Complete 127
Item 22. Prefer Defining Methods to Overloading Operators 134
Item 23. Understand How Events Increase Runtime Coupling Among Objects 137
Item 24. Declare Only Nonvirtual Events 139
Item 25. Use Exceptions to Report Method Contract Failures 146
Item 26. Ensure That Properties Behave Like Data 150
Item 27. Distinguish Between Inheritance and Composition 156

Chapter 4. C# 3.0 Language Enhancements 163
Item 28. Augment Minimal Interface Contracts with Extension Methods 163
Item 29. Enhance Constructed Types with Extension Methods 167
Item 30. Prefer Implicitly Typed Local Variables 169
Item 31. Limit Type Scope by Using Anonymous Types 176
Item 32. Create Composable APIs for External Components 180
Item 33. Avoid Modifying Bound Variables 185
Item 34. Define Local Functions on Anonymous Types 191
Item 35. Never Overload Extension Methods 196

Chapter 5. Working with LINQ 201
Item 36. Understand How Query Expressions Map to Method Calls 201
Item 37. Prefer Lazy Evaluation Queries 213
Item 38. Prefer Lambda Expressions to Methods 218
Item 39. Avoid Throwing Exceptions in Functions and Actions 222
Item 40. Distinguish Early from Deferred Execution 225
Item 41. Avoid Capturing Expensive Resources 229
Item 42. Distinguish Between IEnumerable and IQueryable Data Sources 242
Item 43. Use Single() and First() to Enforce Semantic Expectations on Queries 247
Item 44. Prefer Storing Expression<> to Func<> 249

Chapter 6. Miscellaneous 255
Item 45. Minimize the Visibility of Nullable Values 255
Item 46. Give Partial Classes Partial Methods for Constructors, Mutators, and Event Handlers 261
Item 47. Limit Array Parameters to Params Arrays 266
Item 48. Avoid Calling Virtual Functions in Constructors 271
Item 49. Consider Weak References for Large Objects 274
Item 50. Prefer Implicit Properties for Mutable, Nonserializable Data 277

Index 283


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